Exploring London

Don Garton |


We hope this email finds you well! Kathy and I recently returned from an incredible trip to London, and we couldn't wait to share some of our favorite experiences with you. London is a city that blends history and culture. Here are our highlights from the trip:

1. The Tower of London

This historic tower has stood for nearly a thousand years and has played a pivotal role in British history. The Crown Jewels were fascinating. The Beefeaters, with their unique uniforms, added a touch of charm to the visit. As we walked through the medieval architecture, we heard tales of kings, queens, and prisoners.

Tower of London

2. The British History Museum

The British History Museum displayed artifacts from around the world. We spent hours wandering through its vast halls, encountering the Rosetta Stone, the Elgin Marbles, and the Egyptian mummies. Each exhibit is curated, offering rich information into different cultures and eras. It was easy to see why this museum is one of the most renowned in the world. It's a place where history truly came alive.

British History Museum

3. St. James Park

St. James's Park is a serene oasis in the heart of London. Kathy and I enjoyed strolling its tree-lined paths, watching swans on the lake, and admiring the flowerbeds. It offered a bit of retreat from the city's hustle and bustle with beautiful views of Buckingham Palace. The park was a perfect spot for a relaxing afternoon.

St. James Park
St. James Park

4. Westminster Abbey

When my wife and I visited Westminster Abbey, we were captivated by its stunning gothic architecture. It was quite the experience being in the same place where royal coronations, weddings, and burials have been historically celebrated. The Abbey was a glimpse into the United Kingdom's cultural heritage.

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey

5. Bath

Visiting Bath, England was enchanting. We explored the ancient Roman Baths and strolled through the charming streets. We also enjoyed an afternoon tea which made our visit very authentic.

Crescent in Bath, England
Bath, England

6. Scotland

While in England we decided to take a quick trip to Scotland. Kathy and I took a train ride and had a magical day viewing the stunning landscapes of the Highlands. We spent a few days learning about the history and culture of Edinburgh. It is a delightful city and we would go back to spend more time exploring it.

Edinburgh Castle
View of Edinburgh

Thank you for reading and sharing in our travel memories. If you have a few moments, click on our photo album from the trip below. We hope this inspires you to visit London someday and experience the wonder for yourself!

Best Regards,

Don Garton